April WI meeting – learn to crochet!

Crochet is a process of creating fabric from yarn, thread, or other material strands using a crochet hook.

On Tuesday 10 April 2012 I attended my first Women’s Institute meeting with the Wandsworth WI. A friend let me know she had joined and it instantly stuck a cord with me as such a good thing to attend. Culture, charity, craft and cake are all things I like and I was not disappointed by my first meeting as we learnt how to crochet!

My mum taught me to crochet about six years ago and also taught me to knit when I was about seven years old. However when I came back to it I was completely lost. Our teachers Maddy and Vanessa were very good and although I didn’t quite get to crocheting squares like they were teaching I started some hybrid mix of what I had learned years ago – more like circles!

Needless to say I am trying to pick it all back up again and continue on with crocheting. It is such a nice thing to do and I aim to get good enough to be able to sit and do it with out concentrating as much as I have to at the moment.

Maybe I will even get to crochet a whole project/product soon!

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