August WI bake sale

In August we held a bake sale for Wandsworth WI in aid of raising money for Wandsworth Women’s Aid – we raised over £300 in the end! I was on the bake sale committee and everyone chipped in. I Made some paper corsages for the event with the middle being designed by Laura who designed all of the great logos and posters.

Here is the stand for the day with the homemade bunting personalised for Wandsworth WI, the great aprons, personalised again and all of the amazing cakes!

I decided to make a three layer cake, you can read about the recipe here I posted on the blog when I created for my colleague Emma. I also made brownies and flapjacks from Grandma Little’s recipe book who is my housemate, Kat’s Grandma. You can read more about Kat on her blog Live Once Live Beautifully.

It was a great success and a lovely day, especially as the sun was shining!

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  • Alan says:

    You look great Jo
    When are you going to come up and bake me a cake? Xx

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