Curiosities of the week – Sohei Nishino

I went to see an exhibition by Sohei Nishino at the Michael Hoppen Gallery a few years ago. I recently found the postcard I picked up at the exhibition and it brought back to me what a great show it was and what amazing pieces of work he produces.

These photos will not do it justice or even show the scale of the designs – they are massive and each city is made from individual photo’s.

Sohei walks round cities and takes rolls and rolls of film to capture all of the details. He then builds up each city with the photo he has taken.

One of the things I loved about looking at these brilliant pieces of design was looking through cities I knew such as London and Paris and making out areas I love or have walked around. It was entrancing to look through and ‘wander’ around the city in this way. It is also amazing the different perspectives he uses as well and how he combines these. Just look at how the London Eye and Gherkin rise up out of the city with the sky around them.

Sohei will also keep adding to the 13 cities he has already created.


Images sources:

London Diorama map by Sohei Nishino

Paris Diorama map by Sohei Nishino

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