Stack magazines – Wrap

Wrap magazine cover

Wrap magazine Anttu Uotila

Stack magazine is a company that brings together the best independent English language magazines and delivers a different edition to you each month. I can’t remember how I came across Stack but I am so glad I did!

Each month you get a different magazine delivered, most I have never heard of which means a great surprise each month and the promise of something new.

November’s delivery was the magazine Wrap and I loved this magazine!

It focuses on illustration, design and creative culture and it comes with five pull out sheets of wrapping paper you can use! Understand the name yet?!

I loved this idea, so simple, useful and different and makes the magazine really stand out. It combines two things I love in life illustration and wrapping paper!

wrap magazine Marimekko

wrap magazine Marimekko details

Images taken by me.



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