DIY – Easter bunnies and dipped marshmallows

Easter bunny marshmallow DIY

It is Easter this weekend! This should mean I can finally start eating what I have given up for Lent, however I didn’t give anything up..I rarely do.


However instead I made a little Easter DIY that was inspired by things on sticks and these ombre dipped marshmallows I found on Craftgawker via Pinterest.

Bunnies and ears print out

I started by doodling these bunnies and bunny ears and then scanning them into Photoshop and colouring them in. In the end it went from being a line drawing to taking the line away and using the colour blocks that were left.

I then printed them out and stuck them onto cocktail sticks with sellotape.

dyeing marshmallows

Dipped marshmallows

Using food colouring of your choice and a bit of water, dip dye the marshmallows. I am thinking I wanted to dip dye things as I have just dyed the ombre out of my hair. Sad but it was time for a change.

Then I waited for them to dry and put it all together. Simple.

I like them, but am always overly critical. Probably should of spent more time doodling the bunnies 🙂

If you like them then you can print them out using this PDF.

Images by me.

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