Destination – Moroccan Surf Adventures


Maroc surf sea

moroc surf viewIn September me and my two friends Kat and Flora headed to Morocco to go surfing with Moroccan Surf Adventures.

It was a holiday of many, many great moments, delights and surprises:

  1. I found I could stand and even turn (mainly to the right) on a surf board – surprise
  2. Yoga at 7.30am is the most wonderful way to wake up and stretch after a hard days surfing – moment
  3. The great friendships you make during the chat’s, drinks and table tennis you play on the terrace – moment
  4. That I couldn’t paddle well to begin with but being with Said shouting ‘PADDLE!’ You learn quickly – surprise 
  5. Moroccan red wine goes very well with chef Momo’s amazingly delicious food every night – delight
  6. Rachid’s car with all the girls is the only way to travel – moment 
  7. The whole team at Moroccan Surf Adventures couldn’t be more welcoming, supportive and fun – delight
  8. Apparently I have a very serious surfing face – surprise

moroc surf surfing

Joanne surfing

The family feel, great food, supportive instructors and welcoming hosts make Moroccan Surf Adventures a great place to go and I can’t wait to go back.

Go, and take me with you!

Flora and Kat

signed surf board

Images taken by me



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