Arnold & Bird Values

Be determinedly curious Arnold & Bird values

Arnold & Bird Values


I wanted to share with you today the Arnold & Bird values. These six values are what I aim to live by in my life, bring out in my business and my personal brand and identity.


  • Be determinedly curious
  • Creative collaboration is awesome
  • Inspire others daily
  • Enthusiastic about design
  • Smile – you’re amazing!
  • Spread creativity like confetti


My brand, visual identity and values are something I’ve worked on quite a bit over the past year and is something I continue to develop as I want to ensure it’s hitting the right note and resonating with you.


Recently I’ve found that reaching out, building on new and existing connections (on and offline) has made me so much happier in my business. Relationships that evolve from this are amazing and I feel so grateful to have amazing customers, peers and business friends alongside me on this creative journey. Reflecting on and using my values really does help to guide me.

Creative collaboration is awesome Arnold & Bird values
Inspire others daily Arnold & Bird values

Enthusistic about design Arnold & Bird values

Smile you're amazing Arnold & Bird values
Spread creativitly like confetti Arnold & Bird values


What I Believe In


I also wanted to include who I am and what I want my brand, but more importantly myself, to stand for and believe in:


  • To inspire others with value and encourage support and collaboration – I am not in competition with you
  • To promote positive mental health and wellness and not to listen to the inner critic
  • I am happy, positive and smile a lot but I still show you the real side
  • For you and me to release your inner starburst and shine so brightly


Have you developed your values and brand identity? I would totally recommend the following resources if you’re interested in learning more about this!



What are your values – I would love to hear them

Joanne Griffin signature

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