28. How to Work Out the USP of Your Business & Brand

How to Work Out the USP’s of Your Business - Elevate Your curiosity podcast

Today I wanted to share an exercise on the podcast that will enable you to work out and get clear on the USP of your business and your brand’s purpose.


So why should you do this? Knowing why you’re unique is vital to show your own take on your business and stand out from your competition. Plus it gives your brand it’s a purpose and why you do what you do.


I’ll be going over a checklist of questions and tips for you to think about while you’re discovering and working out the USP of your business. It’s the perfect exercise to journal over and dive into what makes your business special.


This exercise is one part of a three-part process in my free Brand, Design & Product USP Checklist you get for free when you sign up to my newsletter. I’ll be sharing the brand part today but if you want to grab the full exercise part then download it here.


In this episode we’ll cover:
  • About your business
  • Your brand values
  • Keywords that describe your business
  • Your competitors
  • Your why


Listen to the podcast below on iTunes, Stitcher or Spotify.



If you liked this then I would definitely recommend downloading the free Brand, Design & Product USP Checklist.


And you can dive even deeper with the Brand USP’s & How to Make Your Business Unique Workbook from the shop. Included in the brand USP’s PDF you’ll work through the following exercises in even more depth than the free version:

  • Find your keywords
  • Brand values
  • Your competitors
  • Your why & purpose in business
  • What your brand design style is
  • Create a mood board for your brand
  • How to make your brand consistent


Questions and prompts are included for each section so you’re not left staring at a blank page. Plus handy resources and links to further information.


If this helped you find the USP of your business then I’d love it if you could share it with another business or someone wanting to start their own brand 🙂


And let me know how you got on with working out the USP of your business exercise over on Instagram @arnoldandbird


And until next time keep elevating your curiosity!

Joanne Griffin signature


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How to Work Out the USP’s of Your Business - Elevate Your curiosity podcast

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