Today we’re going to cover how to use user testing in your product development process.
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But first up why should you use user testing? It’s an important part of the product development process when you’re in retail as you want to make sure your product performs exactly the way it should. That is doesn’t break and it can be the best it can be. Completing this process will ensure your ideal customer will want to buy your product and love it enough to share it with others.
Before we begin I wanted to share the six stages of the product development process:
- Inspiration
- Design
- Market research
- Prototype
- Manufacture
- User testing
Before you test your product on anyone else – test it yourself first!
- Check – does it work functionally?
- If it’s a coaster will it mark if it has a cup of tea on it?
- Is the added decoration/embellishments applied securely?
- How does it work functionally/perform/wear/wash?
- Keep 1 unused/unwashed prototype to compare the difference
Refer back to your why/inspiration process and ask yourself:
- Does the product still target your ideal customer/recipient?
- Does the product still target the initial gift occasion/trend/initial inspiration you had in mind?
Start asking others to test your product and for feedback:
- Make sure your testers are your ideal customer
- Invite them to test it/taste it/use it/wear it for feedback on how to feels, performs and suits their needs
- Create a list of open-ended questions for public feedback
- Encourage people to give you specific and detailed answers
- Don’t ask leading questions
Be prepared for honest feedback and don’t take it personally. Remember you’re asking to make your product even better so it sells the best it can!
Ask questions such as:
- How did the product make you feel?
- What would you use the product for?
- How many times a day/week/month would you use the product?
- What did you like/dislike about the materials used?
- Who would you recommend using this product?
- How likely would you gift or recommend someone buy this product, and why?
If you’d like me to talk through any other the parts of the product development process then let me know which you’d like to hear more about.
If you enjoyed today’s episode then please do share it with another business who would love it or on social media @arnoldandbird. It really makes me smile when you do this.
Keep elevating your curiosity
P.s. Find more product development tips on the blog
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