40. Easily remind yourself everyday of how amazing you are!

You are amazing - Elevate Your Curiosity podcast


Today’s is a quickie all about how to easily remind yourself everyday of how amazing you are. Perfect for when you need a pick me up. Whether that be from being in a bit of a funk, suffering from anxiety or you just want to feel really amped up for a new project you’re embarking on!


Listen in and find the show notes below, or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or Spotify.

So here are four tips for remembering you are amazing, both personally and at what you do


Happy email folder

We all get those emails with kind words that literally make our day. Save these in a special folder in your inbox. These messages could be from happy customers, past clients, your peers or people you’ve worked with on collaborative blogs or press pieces.


Don’t forget to screenshot nice messages on Instagram and WhatsApp and create a bank of these on your phone too. Save them in a folder for easy access.


Spoken affirmations

I’m sure you’ve seen lots of affirmations and positive quotes about. Maybe you’ve even got some near your workspace.


To really make these sink in and relevant for you I would recommend rewriting versions that resonate with you. Then recording them as a voice note so you can listen to these affirmations so they really speak to you.


Listen on your commute, first thing or before you go to bed. And bonus points if you can read these out to yourself when you’re looking in the mirror. It’ll really show you that you’re speaking these words to yourself.


Plus you can also print out your favourites and put them up around your workspace so they’re always front of mind.


Past memories

Search through past memories for some happy reminders of how great you are. Think end of school or uni leavers books, cards you received when you left jobs or special birthday cards. All of these will have lovely messages in. Maybe you can add them to a smile jar or box too?


Happy journal

If you’re into journaling and gratitude then adding a happy journal might be a good idea. Or even if you’re not this is a super quick way to get into journaling without the commitment!


Grab a notebook and write everything from 1-3 things you’re grateful for. Think a good breakfast, the sun is shining, all the orders went out on time.


To things that need celebrating from the day. Such as the kids got up on time, an order milestone was reached or the fact you were paid early.


And add unexpected bonuses that come your way. That unexpected refund or a request from someone to feature you.


Start noticing these small moments and more of them will flow to you for sure!



So that’s four ways to show yourself you are amazing. The idea with all of these is that you can add to them but there is a bank of good feelings ready and waiting for you when you need. Keep at least one of them within arms reach of where you work!


If you’re enjoying the podcast I’d love it if you could leave a review via iTunes online or on your podcast app as I’d love to hear what you think. And head here to find more mindset tips on the blog.


You are amazing so go and enjoy your day!

Joanne Griffin signature


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You are amazing - Elevate Your Curiosity podcast


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