Business mindset and strategy need to go hand in hand in your product business. You can have all the strategies in the world, but you also need your mindset to be on point to grow your retail business.
Business mindset + strategy
Listen to the full episode or read the abbreviated show notes below where we’ll cover:
- Why you’re not being your biggest cheerleader
- Comparing yourself to someone else’s journey
- Building a community of peers & customers to support your business
Why you’re not being your biggest cheerleader
- Your inner critic voice is so strong.
- It’s on you to hype yourself.
- Be your own cheerleader by working on your mindset.
- This takes time, alongside building your business.
- Find positive messages that work for you and you can believe.
Comparing yourself to someone else’s journey
- Don’t compare to someone else’s middle.
- Or another person’s work pattern – you don’t know their full story.
- Change the energy and celebrate someone if they trigger you.
- Reach and congratulate them.
- Work on your mindset and you do you!
Building a community of peers & customers to support your business mindset
- Surround yourself with people who get it.
- Create a support network to cheer you on or to moan too.
- Who are these people for you?
- Mindset is equally as important as strategy.
- Get support that works for you and where you are in your business. What is doable for you, and pushes you forward.
How to use these points to move your business mindset forward
Action step:
- Create a positive affirmation for something that keeps cropping up for you. Write it so you believe in it.
Review, Grow & Scale Your Business
Do your plans this year include:
- Analyse what’s working in your sales
- Identify why you’re unique to build your brand awareness
- Get ahead with your content and learn how to launch your product
- Start a wholesale strategy
- Sell on other online marketplaces
- Grow your sales on your own site
Then the Review, Grow & Scale Your Business 8-week course will help you with all of this and more!
During this 8 week course, you’ll be coached along the process with personalised feedback so you can plan ahead, build your brand awareness and grow your sales.
You’ll feel focused, confident and excited to take the guesswork out of running a business so you can implement the advice straight away.
This 8-week course is designed for product-based retail businesses that sell everything from homeware, stationery, jewellery, kits to lifestyle gifts.
The course takes you step-by-step through the key stages of growing your business based on retail expertise and what is working for you!