How My Client Achieved a 20% YoY Sales Growth: A Retail Success Story


How my client achieved a 20% YoY sales growth: A retail success story. Read on to hear about proven strategies on how my client boosted sales by 20% year-on-year. 

This was the message I received from my retail mentoring client about her 20% YoY sales growth:

How My Client Achieved a 20% YoY Sales Growth

The 5 Key retail strategies we used to achieve a 20% YoY Sales Growth:

  1. Optimised her Etsy listings & added more products.
  2. Consistent newsletters
  3. Developed new products
  4. Set daily sales targets
  5. Created a schedule just for her

Let’s break down each area we used to achieve the 20% YoY Sales Growth

how my client boosted sales by 20% year-on-year

Optimised her Etsy listings & added more products.

We focused on Etsy tags customers would search for, updated the title and product description for SEO and uploaded more products to attract more customers.

Optimising Etsy is a key feature to create multiple sales channels which is vital to grow your retail sales.

I have a document full of Etsy optimisation tips for my clients and I can review your listings too!

proven retail strategies

Consistent newsletters

Email newsletters were a real pain point, she hated writing and sending them! So we planned them out, broke down the process so it didn’t feel as overwhelming, created content ideas and subject lines so she could go in and design them without overthinking them.

After helping at the initial stage, I can then review the final design and feedback any changes before it’s sent to your list. This is available for all my retail mentoring clients.

20% YoY Sales Growth

Developed new products

We reviewed the past year and found product development had slipped, so focused on creating new products (based on her best-sellers) and launched these throughout the year. This meant she had newness to show her customers and bring in new sales, based on sales data of what was working.

Joint brainstorming is my fave thing, I bring honest feedback based on my retail experience, sales analysis and design background.

how my client boosted sales by 20% year-on-year

Set daily sales targets

We still set monthly sales targets but broke them down into daily sales targets so it feel achievable. We paired this with daily Instagram content that focused on what worked for her to engage her audience: storytelling, the making process, kindness & quotes and behind the scenes.

5 Key retail strategies

Created a schedule just for her

We needed to avoid burnout again so we broke down a work/life blend that was personal to her, how she worked and enabled her to support her family. We also spoke about mindset a lot to keep her on track. This was massive and enabled her to create the space to achieve her 20% YoY Sales Growth.

Every business is different, which is why I work collaboratively to ensure the strategy and advice I give to each client is personalised to them, their needs and how they can grow.

If you’re thinking:


Then let’s work together!

Let me help you build an all-round retail strategy to create a successful and sustainable product business.

Book a one-off Strategy Session or choose monthly retail mentoring to get personalised advice, honest feedback and action points to go away and implement so you know exactly what to do.

Book a free discovery call to understand what areas to focus on to grow your sales, boost your confidence and how I can support you to create a profitable retail business.

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