How to Analyse Christmas 2023 to Maximise 2024 Retail Sales

How to Analyse Christmas 2023. Maximise 2024 Sales

Learn how to analyse Christmas 2023 and get ready to maximise your 2024 retail sales.

Learn from last year’s data and what can be improved to make 2024 less stressful and more profitable!

This is the ultimate guide for product businesses to learn how to analyse your Christmas 2023 sales for future success

Use your retail data:

  • Dive into the data.
    • Don’t assume anything!
    • Base your learnings on your ecperience and the numbers from Christmas 2023.
    • Download your sales by £ made each month from September to December.
    • Review past notes you made in 2023 during the Christmas rush.

Questions to ask for how to analyse Christmas 2023:

  • Sales
    • Did you meet the sales target you set? Yes or no?
    • Why was this?
    • What happened to help or hinder meeting your target?
  • Product performance
    • What were your best sellers?
    • Which products didn’t perform?
  • Stock levels
    • Which products sold out?
    • Which ones did you have too much stock of?
  • Customer feedback
    • What FAQs were there?
    • What complaints did you have?
    • What did customers love?
    • How was your customer service?
  • Delivery
    • Did your postal carrier have any issues?
  • Marketing
    • How much did you show up in your marketing?
    • Which marketing platforms did you use?
    • What worked well?
    • What didn’t?
  • Staff
    • Did you hire help, how did that go?
    • Did you need more help? In what areas?
    • Do you need to provide more training?
  • Suppliers & website
    • Did you have any supply issues?
    • Did you website perform well under the pressure of increased orders?
  • What are the feelings when you look back on the Christmas period?
  • What lessons can you learn from last year to use this season?

Now you know how to analyse Christmas 2023 so you can boost your 2024 festive profits.

Remember that 30-50% + of a retail business’s turnover is made in Q4, so it is a key time to review Christmas 2023 so you make the most of the sales in the golden quarter.

Plan Your Best Christmas Workshop

Plan Your Best Christmas workshop

Need help with creating your plan after you’ve learnt how to analyse Christmas 2023?

Take away the pressure, guesswork and stress of preparing for the festive season with this workshop.

Then get ready to take action and plan your most successful sales period, so you feel organised and in control.

This step-by-step, action-taking workshop will mean you will leave with a plan you are confident in, completed in just two hours.

Pin for later:

Christmas 2023 Review For a Profitable 2024
Boost 2024 by Reviewing Christmas 2023
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How to Analyse Christmas 2023 Retail Performance

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