Retail Strategy Session

Move from idea to fulfilment in this one-off session.

Book your call to review, audit and fast-track the key areas in your business that will up-level your sales.

We will create a plan of action so you have the confidence to revolutionise your business processes and stop putting off that pesky task on your to-do list.

Book your session now

Need help with one of the following areas?

How retail strategy session can help you grow your sales

This retail strategy session is for you if:

  • You’re struggling to achieve the sales you need and desire.
  • You need clarity and a clear strategy rather than just winging it to achieve your goal.
  • You’re working hard but not seeing results.
  • You’re stunting your growth as you’re unable to let go of control of certain aspects in the business.
  • You’ve read the books and watched the videos, but generic advice isn’t enough to grow.
  • There is SO much to do, that you don’t know what to focus on and end up doing nothing.
  • You love creating your products but marketing, sales and SEO feels difficult and you need support.

Whether you’ve got an idea or are five years in, I can help you tackle that problem you can’t overcome and fast-track your growth.

What you’ll receive:

  • Personalised advice and notes of everything we discuss.
  • Honest feedback and critique to help you grow that aligns with your business.
  • No need to take notes, I’ll be doing that for you.
  • Action points to go away and implement so you know exactly what to do.
  • Time dedicated to work on your goals and make them happen.
  • A recording of the call so you can go back and listen.
  • Pick a time that works for you and your schedule.

45-minute Strategy Session

Including one week of follow-up message support.


90-minute Strategy Session

Including two weeks of follow-up message support.


retail strategy session testimonials
1:1 retail mentoring client testimonials
retail strategy session testimonial
Cherith Harrison Retail mentoring testimonial
With the massive decrease in trade orders and the massive increase in online orders my customer focus needed to shift and because of that I was unsure as to how to progress with my ranges and designs.

I had tons of ideas that needed distilling and Joanne’s impressive experience in retail and ability to look objectively at a company and understand its strengths is what made me choose to work with her. I have since gained a better understanding of what my customers want and more confidence in myself at trusting my instincts.

My favourite part was seeing her analysis of my sales and hearing her tell me what products and designs I should focus on! While I love being my own boss and being the sole decision maker I do need an instruction once in a while to help keep me on track. She was really enthusiastic from the beginning through right through to the end. She is passionate about helping you to push forward your brand and is able to help give you a clear focus, direction and strategy. My only regret is that I didn’t contact Joanne sooner.
– Cherith, Cherith Harrison
Becky Hazel & Blue Candles
I needed support and guidance as well as expert knowledge and opinion on retail and new products. Joanne has such a wide scope of knowledge and experience within the retail and creative small business sector.

Through Joanne’s support, I have developed my candle making kits to reflect not only my brand but also to understand how they would fit into the retail market. I loved seeing her knowledge and experience could be applied to the kits.
– Becky, Hazel & Blue
Naoko - Rock Me Designs
Before I worked with Joanne I felt overwhelmed, not confident and too close to the detail. I was unable to see the bigger picture and how everything ties together. It was nice to get specific details on what to improve, including wording suggestions for the product descriptions. I now have a whole list of things to update and improve on for the website and SEO and give the customer a more cohesive image of the brand.

Joanne has a good all round understanding of retail business and is able to relate that to small businesses. She is very easy going, listened and understood my feelings on where I needed to improve and was extremely efficient.
– Naoko, Rock Me Designs
Bianca, Binks Design testimonial
Working with Joanne was exactly everything I needed. I was at a point in my business where other things outside of it had to become a priority and with Christmas looming at the time, I wanted to regain control and make the most of the Christmas selling season. Joanne not only helped me create a plan of action, but she was also so considerate of my energy levels and how I was feeling about regaining my focus and pushing for Christmas in an already busy time of year.

We looked at the timeline and plotted everything that needed to be done to launch for Christmas from product design, photography and even website product descriptions. This immediately squashed the overwhelm that I was feeling and left me with a manageable and clear road map to launching my new designs for Christmas.

Joanne and I had a couple of calls to chat through things and plot the tasks within the timeline together – we discussed things that could be dropped and things that we knew were important and to make a priority. In-between calls, Joanne provided me with resources from the content calendar tracker to social media ideas & plans to a margin calculator for my product prices. We also stayed in touch via Voxer which was such lovely additional support.

I can’t recommend working with Joanne enough, I know exactly what I need to do to plan a launch going forward now!
– Bianca, Binks Design
Afdele, Nutmeg Studio wall sticker
Before I worked with Jo I was trying to do far too much and not achieving what I wanted to achieve. Jo worked alongside me to help me stay focused. Jo pulled together a marketing strategy via email and blog posts and helped with product development. She was always full of ideas and offered advice on the direction we could take my business. Jo is easy to work with and has a fast array of knowledge, she totally understood my business and its requirements.
– Adele, Nutmeg Studio
Alex Bown Studio 9
As soon as I saw that Joanne was offering sessions, I signed up immediately, without hesitation. I knew that a service which combined Joanne’s experience and enthusiasm with a focus on product development was what I needed to help my business develop and flourish! It is also rare to find a service that is so tailored to what I do!

Joanne completely understood my business and it was refreshing to see a clear and concise outcome which encapsulated some of the things I had been thinking about as well as some really innovative ways of developing products which were still in line with my brand.

Since then I have refined my product range – taking some products out can be as important as leaving things in! I have also developed existing ranges as well as adding entirely new products. This, in turn, has led to a significant increase in sales as well as an increase in repeat orders.

I have also become more confident with my designs and feel like I have really found my ‘style’. Sometimes it would take me months to upload a product as I was worried about how it would be received but in the main, if I have an idea or concept now, it only takes a couple of days to put it live on my site.
– Alex, Studio 9
Joanne Hawker
Before I worked with Joanne I was feeling a bit lost and was unsure where I should be heading, despite having a notebook full of ideas! However, after speaking to Joanne I realised that I was on the right track and it’s really exciting to finally have some direction again!

Working with Joanne was the right pick for me because she’s very friendly, yet professional, knowledgeable, and easy to work with.
– Joanne, Joanne Hawker
Merle - Merle Made Tales
As an artist with a business selling my work on gifts and stationery I have always picked themes to base my artwork around inspired by my own interests. Of course it’s important to do what you love but I’ve never known how to target the right audience.

I could never be objective enough about my own work to understand what trends I could tap into. That is why Joanne’s work has been invaluable. With her insightful suggestions of current trends that fit my brand and new product ideas, I suddenly feel like someone has given my windows a good clean and I can see out more clearly! I have been shown my brand from an outside perspective and given new directions to explore that don’t compromise my style or interests and, most importantly, allow me to stay true to myself.

I’m so excited to get started on a new range of illustrated products armed with new inspiration and new tools for understanding my brand and audience better.
– Merle, Merle Made Tales
Joanne Griffin 6
Joanne Griffin - The Creative Flow Collective

Meet your mentor

Hi, I’m Joanne – your retail mentor & business cheerleader.

I’ve been working with creative, passion-led retail businesses like you for the past 17 years. My career background includes graduating with a BA Hons in Surface Pattern Design at Staffordshire University and working in various SME retail businesses covering visual merchandising, wholesale, design, marketing, sales and communications. Including 7.5 years at Here I specialised in the merchandising and product development teams and writing the trend guides for the 5,000 sellers.

I now work with product brands 1:1 in retail strategy sessions to create strong business foundations by sharing my retail knowledge. I love helping my clients plan ahead and feel confident in their businesses.


Where will the call take place?

We will chat on Zoom and the call will be recorded so you can watch back for a refresher. You can book your call online and choose the time slots that work best for you.

What messaging support do you use?

I use Voxer which is a free messaging service, similar to WhatsApp.

You can send messages and voice notes via an app on your phone or on a desktop webpage version and get in touch anytime you want and have your questions answered.

Whoi is this for?

Retail businesses selling products who want support, advice and accountability to grow their sales and develop their brand.

I’ve still got a question!

No worries, if you’re wondering if this retail strategy session is right for you then send me an email and we can chat. No hard sales here, we can see where you are at and if this would be beneficial for you.

Email me on or DM me on Instagram @creativeflowcollective

Or book a free 20 minute call to chat about if this is right for you.

Send a message to find out more and book your retail strategy session

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    Need more support?

    Discover the 1:1 monthly mentoring package for continued accountability with multiple calls a month & private messaging support to grow your sales.