Happy Birthday Arnold & Bird!

Grampy at the pigeon coop
Grampy sat on the pigeon loft steps as he always did

Oh, Lady Cakes birthday cake

Happy Birthday Arnold & Bird!

One whole year has passed since I launched my blog on the anniversary of my Grampy’s passing.

I love this photo of my grampy, it sums him up perfectly. So many times when I visited my grandparents I would run down the track and find him sat on the steps of the pigeon lofts watching the pigeons flying around the paddock.

A bittersweet day, I hope he is resting well and I love that I could name my blog after him and my gran. Having the name approved and supported by my gran and mum meant so much to me as well.

I have loved this journey so far, the good and the bad posts, and it makes me excited to keep going.

So happy birthday Arnold & Bird and thank you over 5,000 views from 93 countries, 150 posts, 53 comments and 53 followers. Amazing.

It is also on of my best friends birthday as well, so happy birthday Cara!


Image source:

Grampy – photo from my gran.

Birthday cake via Oh, Ladycakes

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