Four affirmations to inspire and encourage you. Plus how to use them!

Decisions are made with your heart, not your head. affirmations by Arnold & Bird

Affirmations can be used to inspire, encourage and assert thoughts and feelings into reality. They are a very powerful tool to use, especially as a creative entrepreneur, when too often that inner critical voice will take over.


So what are affirmations?

Dictionary definition of Affirmation:
1. the act or an instance of affirming; state of being affirmed.
2. the assertion that something exists or is true.
3. something that is affirmed; a statement or proposition that is declared to be true.


Affirmations (or mantras, quotes, statements) are words you say out loud to yourself to affirm something you want in life. Affirmations helps to bring positive and manifesting statements that focus your mind on what you want to achieve.

Fear will get in the way. Start small and the flow will come. affirmations by Arnold & Bird


Words are powerful. They can uplift or bring down and never more so when used on yourself. This is why it’s important to ensure your voice, including the one you listen to inside of you, is kind, caring, supportive and not blaming or shaming. Internal blame and shame is what I like to call the inner critic. And this is not the authentic you. So the words we choose and use for yourself are incredibly important.

Happiness comes from believing in you, your talents and unique capabilities. affirmations by Arnold & Bird


How do I use affirmations?

Say them out loud! Either by repeating them once, twice or three times. Or try saying it out loud while looking at yourself in a mirror to focus your mind on yourself and what you want to achieve.


You can also write them down and place them around your home to reaffirm and remind you of the mantra you’ve created and are manifesting. Think about adding them to your bathroom mirror, desk or by your TV.

Feeling overwhelmed? Ask for what you need. Say it loud and proud. affirmations by Arnold & Bird

I’ve started using affirmations more over the last year and am now posting them weekly on my Instagram. However I’ve decided to add a round up of them here on the blog for an extra dose of inspiration. Because who doesn’t like inspiration 🙂


You can find all of the affirmations I’ve rounded up on the blog here – pick your favourites and start using them today.


If you have any mantras you use then please do share them with me!

Joanne Griffin signature

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