Four Affirmations & Mantras To Believe In Yourself

affirmations & mantras Celebrate what you've achieved so far and enjoy it by Arnold & Bird

Affirmations & Mantras

These four affirmations & mantras are designed to make you believe in yourself today and every day.


If you want to learn more about using mantras then head over to this blog post on how to use affirmations. It’ll show you how easily you can incorporate them into your life, plus I’d love to know if it uplifts your mindset and changes your perspective!


And if you don’t know, I post affirmations weekly over on my Instagram @arnoldandbird. Do follow along if you fancy a weekly dose of uplifting and positive mindset building.


This months mantras & affirmations include:

  • Celebrate what you’ve achieved so far, instead of your current to-do list. 6 months ago you would have wished you were where you are now. Enjoy it!
  • Don’t let the inner voice win. That voice is always an arse
  • Ground yourself when you’re feeling anxious. Breathe in for 3 and out for 5
  • Stop and listen to your authentic feelings. Not the ones that shame you


Let’s break down each affirmation starting with the first one:

I encourage you to celebrate everything you’ve achieved so far today and the past six months – and not focus on your (massive) to-do list. Do a dance, have a cup of tea, a glass of bubbles or just relax.

affirmations & mantras Don't let the inner voice win by Arnold & bird


A handy reminder that if you’re being a bit mean to yourself (that little voice inside that’s not so nice). It’s just the inner critic being an arse. Annoying but try and not let it ruin your day as your day is fabulous!


affirmations & mantras Ground yourself when you're feeling anxious by Arnold & Bird


If you’re feeling anxious now or anytime today, tomorrow or next week then stop and ground yourself. Breathing in for three counts and out for five really helps to calm the mind.


affirmations & mantras Stop and listen to your authentic feelinsg by Arnold & Bird

Sometimes it can be hard to distinguish between your real, authentic voice and the inner critic. An easy way to spot the difference is if that little voice inside of you is being mean or shaming you, then it’ll be the inner critic. It’s generally not very nice (but other disguises itself as being ‘helpful’). So if you’re putting yourself down then do take a minute to stop and reaccess and check in with you and be kind


Want to create your own affirmations & mantras? Journalling and writing them down always helps. I designed these inspirational notebooks to get your creative juices flowing! The quotes are ideal for adding a boost of encouragement and optimism to every day.

All 3 inspirational stationery notebooks by Arnold & Bird

You can find loads more affirmations on the blog. Choose your favourites and start resetting your mindset today.


Do you have a favourite affirmation or mantra you use?

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