5. Beat procrastination and get in the creative flow – Elevate Your Curiosity podcast

beat procrastination and get in the creative flow by Elevate your curiosity podcast by Joanne Griffin at Arnold & Bird

Beat Procrastination


This weeks Elevate Your Curiosity episode is all about how to beat procrastination and get in the creative flow. You can find show notes for the episode below and listen in on iTunes, Stitcher or Spotify. Find all past episodes of the podcast here.



Ok so first up, I’ll admit I’ve suffered terribly from procrastination in the past. And still do now occasionally. How about you?


But recently I learnt that procrastination can be a form of control and this is a very different way of looking at it. So now I would like you to ask yourself why you think or feel you are procrastinating? Could you be controlling the situation and not acting for fear of failure, success, what others will think, your abilities or if you can even do it?


All of these thoughts above are very negative, and when feelings like this are not making you feel good, they are definitely your inner critic. (That little voice in your head that is never very nice and often takes over your real authentic thoughts.)


Get in the Creative Flow


So how do you combat and beat procrastination? Action is needed and the good news is you can start really small!


Draw one thing, then come back and access it later – don’t assume it’s bad in the same moment. Or write the first sentence, do the first bit on the finances etc, etc. Once you’ve started you’ll get in a flow state. You’ll keep going and that inner critic will become smaller and less vocal as you’ve begun.


And do remember to treat yourself afterwards once you have started. Be it a walk, a break to look out the window, some chocolate – it can be small, but as long as it makes you feel good.


What do you do to overcome procrastination? Is it taking action or something else? Let me and everyone else know as I know it will help others!


Sending inspiration and good vibes your way. Let’s get into this flow state!

Joanne Griffin signature

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