4. How to spot trends – Elevate Your Curiosity Podcast

how to spot trends by Elevate Your Curiosity podcast by Joanne Griffin at Arnold & Bird

How to Spot Trends

Welcome back to the Elevate Your Curiosity podcast and episode four is all about how to spot trends and build a bigger picture of emerging themes. These are the show notes for the episode and you can listen to the the show either below, on iTunes, Stitcher or Spotify.

So this week we’re covering how to spot trends, plus where to find them and how to piece them all together! I wanted to preface this by saying it’s hard to ignore trends (or themes if this is a better word), as we all use creative visuals and what’s going on around us to inspire our work. But you don’t have to use all trends – in fact please don’t! Use what works for you and take bits – even if it’s colour, texture or pattern to adapt a theme and create new ideas from this.

Today I’ll take you through all the places you can look for inspiration for creative businesses and tips on how best to navigate it all. Below is the list of the places I’ll discuss but listen into the podcast for more detailed information on how to spot trends.


  • Magazines – indie and mainstream
  • Newspapers
  • News sites
  • Issuu and your local library are great resources

Inspiration sources

  • Pinterest – go on with a plan and don’t get sucked in
  • Crowdfunding sites – see what’s new
  • Exhibitions
  • Pop ups
  • Blogs – follow on Bloglovin or Instagram or Facebook

Social media

  • Instagram
  • Facebook – what are people talking about, trending challenges, viral posts that are shared
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • New platforms that are emerging and disrupting the scene – e.g. Vero or Ello


  • Innovations and new concepts companies are bringing out
  • Subscribe to companies newsletters you admire so you can get the first scoop.
    • If your inbox is overflowing edit your preferences and maybe divert to a separate inbox and check it twice a week
  • Business publications – or subscribe to The Drum or Marketing Week
  • Go comp shopping
    • See what’s on display, what’s their visual merchandising looking like. Companies like J Crew, Anthropologie, Selfridges are always experimental in their approach
  • What is their marketing message
  • New business models

Trend experts

  • WGSN
  • LSN Global
  • Trend Bible
  • Stylus

Find free content from these companies on their blogs, social media, reports and newsletters


  • To other sellers, friends and family.
    • Create your own information network and see what people are mentioning, new and exciting discoveries or if their talking about the same thing
  • Go to events – local and conferences.
    • If you can’ go then see what new events are coming up and emerging that weren’t there before


  • Set up Google alerts – for things that you’re interested in
  • Set up Google trends – to track the growth of a trend

Spot trends & build a bigger picture

  • Spot what people buying, embracing or using and see potential opportunities that exist in these areas
  • Unique variations on current products and ideas
  • Piece small themes together
  • Remember to always make it relevant for you!
  • Themes and trends may not seem connected at first.
    • E.g. Health & wellness > Cross fit and clean eating >meditation > crystals > taking your wellbeing to a new spiritual level (not just your body with a green juice).

You’ll also find a free printable of places to get inspired on a previous blog post so head over to the post on staying creatively inspired for your free download. And if you ever want to chat in detail about developing your product range then do get in touch 🙂

Sending inspiration your way, and don’t forget to elevate your curiosity today!

Joanne Griffin signature

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