11. Productivity Tips for Getting Organised & Staying Focused In a Healthy Way

Productivity tips - getting organised and staying focused Elevate Your Curiosity podcast

productivity tips

This episode is all about productivity tips for getting organised and staying focused but crucially in a healthy way! Listen in on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, below or read the show notes.



Personally I’ve had a real awakening with my view of what being productive is over the last few months. Basically my version was not working out for me at all. I was either overwhelming myself with the amount on my to-do list for each day and hence not getting that much done. Or thinking I was being so productive and getting stuff done, when in reality I was being so manic with how I was I doing it. I mean I was waking up at 3.30am and thinking I can’t go back to sleep (disclaimer, of course you can) so I might as well get up and do some work and then continue all evening too. Urgh – it was no fun at all and either way I wasn’t happy or focused and I was giving myself false validation in my approach.


So I’ve worked through this with some help and I want to share these productivity tips in the hope it can help you where you need it, however you deal with getting things done.


Getting organised

Tidy your space

First off I recommend tidying your workspace. There’s a reason this works to not only clear your clutter but also your mind.

This means you’re focused on the task ahead and not hunting around finding what you need, or being distracted.


To-do list

Is your to-do list too big? Be honest here as are you ever going to get through all of this in a day, week, month even?

And if you have got way too much on your to-do list then move tasks that can wait to another place so you’re not focusing on them. This can be a another tab in document, the back of your notebook or a brain dump/save for later document.

Basically just don’t look at everything at one time.


Next up let’s prioritise! If you do have too many projects, tasks, deadlines, future goals then prioritise what needs to be done.

Make sure you’re hitting deadlines but also make time to move your business or new projects forward.


If you are working on a bigger project then make sure you break it down into the smaller steps. So if your project is to build a new website, break down all of these steps instead of just writing ‘design new website’. I’m saying this as I’m totally guilty of doing this with bigger tasks!

List all the tasks that are needed to achieve this goal. Then you can put time aside to complete each one. This way it doesn’t feel as overwhelming and you’ve set yourself small achievable goals that are work towards bigger projects.


And lastly I want to know – do you underestimate how much time each task will take to complete?

If you do underestimate and put way to much on your to-do list per day you’ll just feel unmotivated when you haven’t achieved it.

So get really real with yourself and put an estimated time by each task. And if you are a serial underestimater then put a time by it and double it to be sure!


Get some pretty stationery!

I’m a stationery addict so I had to mention how a new notepad or a pretty planner can inspire you to get organised.

Find you fave stationery and keep it on your desk to uplift you when you need it.

FYI – I’ve got some motivational stationery such as weekly to-do list planner pads and notebooks over in my shop if you fancy taking a look 🙂


How are you feeling?

I’m going to bring in feelings with the process of getting organised. And ask you – How do you feel when you start something new or do something you don’t feel comfortable or confident doing?

Sit on that for a moment and see what feelings come up.

You could see it as an exciting challenge and that’s great! But sometimes we can let that inner voice in, that inner critic who can bring unhelpful feelings to the table.

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious or fearful about starting something new then that’s ok.

Know those feelings are there, acknowledge them but remember you don’t have to act on them. This will be uncomfortable to have these feelings and not act on them. But acting on them gives them energy. And in turn gives them energy.

Instead ask yourself – ‘If I wasn’t feeling anxious what would I be doing?’


Staying focused

Move your phone to another room

If you want to stay focused then move your phone to another room!!

Having your phone by your side makes it so easy to pick up and get distracted. Remove this distraction either physically or turn off wifi and put it on airplane mode.


Set a timer and start small

If you’re struggling to start something or get focused then try the Pomodoro Technique.

You set a timer for 25 minutes and start working. Breaking it down into smaller time chunks seems much more manageable for the mind.

This is all about getting in the flow and taking the first step. More often that not, when you’ve started you can work longer than 25 minutes. But take regular breaks too, even if it’s just to grab a cup of tea or wander round your workspace.


Find your best time to work

This is really personal so think about the time of day when you’re most productive. This could be at 7am when no one else is awake. Or it could be the afternoon or evening.

There’s no right answer so listen to your body and look at your patterns of work.


Let go of any productivity misconceptions you have

Like I discussed in the intro I had a really messed up version on what being productive was. Only when I realised this was I able to change it, as I could see patterns that weren’t helpful and I could break them down.

This means being open with yourself about any deep rooted beliefs you may have. Try journalling to get these out by writing down what being productive means to you. Writing continuously for 2-3 pages will help get this out.

And if you realise that you do have an unhealthy version of being productive then be kind to yourself. It will take time to change these beliefs. But set yourself small changes to the way you work to aid the transition.

And know that habits will slip from time to time while you get used to your new routine.


Find your passion

If you’re finding it hard to stay focused or motivated then check in with yourself and see if what you’re doing is what you’re really passionate about.

Maybe you run your own business that you love but there are certain tasks that bring you down. See if you can hire a VA, assistant or outsource areas for others to manage.

And if you’re dragged down by everything you do (be it a job, business or hobby) then maybe reevaluate what you’re doing.

Try the journaling technique here again if needed.


How are you feeling?

Yep we’re going back to feelings again. And not what you’ve done but how you felt doing it.

Ask yourself at the end of the day was that a good or bad day?

How did your way of approaching and completing tasks make you feel?

Observe the overall experience and not what you achieved.

And remember if you got lots done but were a frantic, hot mess… It’s probably not the best way to continue!


There’s my productivity tips for getting organised and staying focused. What would you add? I’d love to hear what works for you so please let me know below or on Instagram @arnoldandbird. I can’t wait to hear yours!


And remember to elevate your curiosity today and every day

Joanne Griffin signature

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