12. Five easy ways to fit mindfulness into your routine quickly

Five easy ways to fit mindfulness into your routine - Elevate Your Curiosity podcast

Five easy ways to fit mindfulness into your routine quickly


I’m back with a quickie episode today on the Elevate Your Curiosity podcast which features five easy ways to fit mindfulness into your routine quickly. Listen in either below,  iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or read the show notes.



This is something I’ve really needed to do and practise more, while work and life have recently felt a bit overwhelming. I know when I give myself permission to do these things it makes me feel so much better. So consider this your permission – if you need it – to add 1, 2 3, or all 5 of these things into your routine today.


Writing three things you’re grateful for

This is super simple and a really quick exercise to do. Either at the start or end of the day (or both!) write three things that you’re grateful for or made you happy. They can be super tiny or big achievements, it doesn’t matter. The main point is you’re reflecting on the good in the day or what you’ve done. Instead of the bad and what’s still on the list to complete.



Taking even 3 minutes to meditate is so soothing and really helps to clear and calm the mind when it’s racing too fast. If you’re in the space when your thoughts are going crazy or you can’t focus. Then try meditating and see how it will really help put things into perspective and calm any anxiety or feelings of overwhelm you have.


The Headspace or Insight Timer apps are both great to meditate easily with some guidance or using a timer


Breathing techniques

Closing your eyes and breathing in for a count of three and out for a count of five is really great at bringing you back into the present moment. Do this a few times to calm you when needed. It’s super simple and so quick so there is no excuse!


In fact, let’s do it now.


Take a deep breath in – 1 – 2 – 3

And then release it – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5


How did that feel?


Move around

If you’re stuck at your desk, in your studio or haven’t ventured out for a while then move. Even if this is to another room to sit in a new environment and take a minute in a different space. Bonus points if you can get outside for a walk, even if it’s around the block – sometimes you don’t need to go far to get a bit more clarity.


Write an affirmation

Write yourself an affirmation that you can repeat to yourself when needed. Write it down and keep it close to where you work.  A new favourite of mine is:


‘I take the time to stop and be present. Being here and appreciating this moment makes me calmer and happier’


So that’s it, five ways to add a bit more mindfulness into each day that’s quick and easy to do. Let me know if you try any of them as I’d love to hear.


I’ll be back in 2-3 weeks talking about trends. And until then make sure you fit in 2-3 minutes to yourself today when you need it!


Joanne Griffin signature


P.s If you liked this then listen to the episode about how to approach your inner critic with love and kindness.

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