16. Five alternative mindset books for creative businesses

Five alternative mindset books for creative businesses - Elevate Your Curiosity podcast

Enhancing your creative mindset when you run your own business or are self employed is one of these best things you can do. And these five alternative mindset books for business are what I recommend on what can feel like a lonely road sometimes.


None of them are your traditional mindset books for business. They won’t tell you about SEO or hacks to grow your following. But I think they are vital in building a mindset that moves past self doubt, being kind to yourself and unblocking the barriers we can build for ourselves.


  • It’s a mix of business and self help advice, but not as you know it! 


Listen in below on  iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or read the show notes.



The Surrender Experiment – Michael A. Singer


I’ve read this book twice and now and it was the turning point for me in identifying my inner voice and starting to develop a different way of thinking. That doesn’t involve constantly listening to that negative internal chatter.


“Let go of the inner noise created by your likes and dislikes. See how the messages of life are gently nudging you. Listen to these and not the mental and emotional reactions of your personal prefences.” – Michael A. Singer


It’s a real life story about Michael’s life but it’s so incredible what he achieves in his personal life and also the business he builds by not listening to this internal voice.


I just love it and have bought it for friends as I believe in the message so much. So I hope you love it too.


Big Magic – Elizabeth Gilbert


I love how Elizabeth breaks down creativity and how ideas circulate the world looking for someone to bring them to life in Big Magic.


“But to yell at your creativity, saying, “You must earn money for me!” is sort of like yelling at a cat; it has no idea what you’re talking about, and all you’re doing is scaring it away, because you’re making really loud noises and your face looks weird when you do that.” – Elizabeth Gilbert


She also has a passage about fear coming along for the road trip but how it has to sit in the back, and that it can’t navigate or change the radio – which is such a great metaphor for not only fear but also the inner critic.


I keep this book on the go continuously as it’s so easy to pick up, read a few pages and be inspired about how creativity and our mindset works today. I’ve read this a few times too!


Steal Like An Artist – Austin Kleon


This is a great book to pick up and flick to a page for inspiration while you’re on this creative journey. The message starts that nothing is original and it talks you through how to steal like an artist. From being a collector, not a hoarder and creating the art you want to see.


Good theft vs bad theft - Steal Like an Artist book


I love the suggestion of having an analogue and digital desk. And how computers with their flat screens zap creativity. It’s so true isn’t it? We can start at blank screens waiting to get inspired but it’s not going to happen.


It also reminds me that if you have a message and think it’s already been said, sometimes you or someone else needs to hear it another certain voice – your voice. So always tell that message yourself, from your experience. You are unique, so your experience and telling of this message will be too.


Style Your Mind – Cara Alwill Leyba


This is a workbook for women who want to design their thoughts, empower themselves and build a beautiful life.


It has a lot of questions in it that you work though and answer to make you more aware of your strengths, weaknesses and what you really want from life. From creating your vision, defining your version of success, identifying your blocks and creating mindset magic.


“You will do your best work when you stop looking round and start looking within.” Cara Alwill Leyba


I started this book over a year ago and when I read back the changes and progress I’ve made is amazing. If I didn’t have this book I wouldn’t realise just how far I’ve actually come in the past year.


Another option if you like to journal is Style Your Mind for Success by Cara or The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. 


You Are A Badass – Jen Sincero

This book is super easy to read and takes elements of therapy, self help and a bit of magic/woo woo. And I personally love the blend of all of these things.


“Nobody who ever accomplished anything both or new or worth raising a celebratory fist in the air did it from their comfort zone. They risked ridicule and failure and sometimes every death” – Jen Sincero


It talks about the inner critic (referred to as the big snooze) which is something I’ve discussed on this podcast. The inner critic is the main thing I believe that gets in  people’s way. And Jen breaks down simple ways to reframe your mind and focus on what you’re good at. And the end message of every chapter is to love yourself. Imagine if we all did that a bit more?


She also has a book called You Are a Badass at Making Money which I’m currently reading. She touches on money in this book and I know I’m trying to work on a better money mindset. Especially to come from a place of abundance instead of scarcity.


There are the five alternative mindset books I love and recommend for enhancing your creative mindset in business. If you read any then do get in touch and let me know! 


Starting and growing a business or being self-employed isn’t an easy route. And anyone who does this should be so proud of whether they are on their journey. So if you need a bit of extra encouragement along the way then these mindset books for business may help you.


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