36. Why choosing creative hobbies outside of your design-led business is vital

Creative hobbies -Elevate Your Curiosity podcast

Today’s episode will focus on why having alternative creative hobbies outside of your business is vital to move your brand forward.


Listen in and find the show notes below, or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or Spotify.

I really wanted to talk about this because a lot of businesses start with the hobby you love doing. But when your hobby is your business what do you do to switch off?


When your hobby is your business you think about 24/7. You rely on to make money. It becomes all consuming and you may lose a bit of that spark of why you loved that hobby in the first place.


When you do something you love – you never have to work a day in your life again right? But it’s important to add in other hobbies and interests. So that your mind can really switch off from what you love doing day-to-day.


Creative hobbies mean you’re focused on a task but in a relaxed way. So a hobby that is different to your business means you can relax and unwind after doing what you love all day.


You don’t have to master this new hobby as a whole new skill. But a healthy mind and body is one that’s relaxed. That feels a lot of happiness, so you’re able to do your best work. And taking time off and having different outside interests from your business is key.


So ask yourself:

  • What do you do right now that has nothing to do with your business?
  • That you just do for the pure joy?
  • For the fun of it?
  • That activity that your mind switches off and relaxes?


I realised years ago whenever I was feeling a bit anxious, I would bake. I love that you have to be precise with it. And that when I’m following a recipe, I’m not having to think for myself. It just really switched off my mind and it was a way to unwind and switch off. I also find this with cooking.


The hobby that I’ve turned into my business is drawing, painting, designing and researching trends. Which I love doing and sometimes I will do just for the pure joy of it. But having the addition of baking, cooking, yoga and HIIT classes are my creative hobbies outside of this.


So what is it that you do? Could it be:

  • Pilates
  • Yoga
  • Meal prepping
  • Walking
  • Hiking
  • Crochet
  • Needlework
  • Painting your nails
  • Or even washing up at the end of the day as you can stand there and switch off!


Any of these things could build new skills – be them practical or around mindfulness. They’ll build enjoyment outside of your business. Bringing your focus to something other than your brand. Plus it will help you feel more confident in other areas of your life. When you feel really good at doing something different. It’s something that is yours that you enjoy. But also maybe you can go and make new friends and connections as well.


These outside creative hobbies are things that will improve your confidence and focus your mind on something else. And really taking your mind off work means when you do come back to it, you see it with fresh eyes.


That product you’re struggling to develop – you see a new solution. That email you don’t know how to write – you can find the words.


Finding the time

I also wanted to talk about just how to find time because I get it, everyone’s busy. When you’re running a creative business you could be working 9-9. Or you’ve got a family to look after. But this extra hobby doesn’t need a lot of time. For example I’m not going to be baking every day!


But find ways to add in your alternative creative hobbies. For example, I meal prep overnight oats. Which is similar to the feeling I get when I’m baking. Or I do a 15-minute workout.


Try having your creative hobby already set up so it’s easy to sit down and start. Alternatively, if you’re short on space then have everything ready to go in an organised box you can pull out and start right away.


Think about how much time you can dedicate to this extra hobby. Don’t say you have every day when you really don’t. Maybe it’s once a week or even every fortnight. Find out what works for you.


I hope that was some food for thought on how you can unwind and relax from your business. Do let me know what your alternative hobbies are below – I’d love to hear!

Joanne Griffin signature


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Creative hobbies -Elevate Your Curiosity podcast

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