31. Five Tips to Move Through Feeling Anxious or Overwhelmed

Five Tips to Move Through Feeling Anxious or Overwhelmed on the Elevate Your Curiosity podcast

Today’s episode is a quickie on how to move through feeling anxious or overwhelmed.


I’m sharing five tips on how to settle feelings of anxiety in the hopes it will help you as well as me! Whether through your to-do list too full, you’ve got too many orders to process, stuck in procrastination rut or in a bit of a funk.


A lot of these tips can be done in a few minutes so don’t feel guilty about ‘wasting your time’ and I say that in air marks! And If you’re feeling anxious it’s best to ease this so you do work better too 🙂


Listen to the full Elevate Your Curiosity podcast about moving through feeling anxious for all of the tips and how to implement them. The abbreviated show notes are below and you can listen on iTunes, Stitcher or Spotify too.



Number 1.

Ground yourself and sit on the floor – literally


Number 2:

Go for a walk and be outside in the fresh air


Number 3:

Take some deep breaths with your eyes closed. Really deep belly breaths


Number 4:

Do a mindful activity that you’ll focus on but will take your attention away from your anxiety

Such as:

  • Yoga
  • Baking
  • Cooking
  • Exercise
  • Drawing
  • Knitting


Number 5:

Journal your thoughts out and write without thinking to get everything out of your head


And that’s it! I know I need to do these more too so hopefully we can both keep each other accountable 🙂


If you have any tips then do share them with me by sharing below or messaging me on social media @arnoldandbird


And if you know someone else who could benefit from these tips then do share the podcast with them.


As always here’s to Elevating your curiosity
Joanne Griffin signature

P.s. Find more mindset tips over on the Elevate Your Curiosity podcast


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Five Tips to Move Through Feeling Anxious or Overwhelmed on the Elevate Your Curiosity podcast

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