I felt very called to do this episode today which is a live journaling session to gain clarity.
It follows on from episode 64, where I share how journaling helps you in life and business. This expands on and goes through live journaling prompts like a mini-workshop.
Grab a notebook and pen for this episode and work through the prompts in real-time as I give you feedback on how to interpret them.
How journaling helps to gain clarity
Before we dive in, I just wanted to reiterate how journaling is so powerful by creating change and how it gives you insight into what’s holding you back. Plus there are so many different ways you can journal, and we’ll cover a few of them here today.
What is great about journaling is that it can stop your thoughts from swirling around, taking them out of your mind and out onto paper. So you can gain clarity and make decisive actions on steps that will move you forward
This is what I keep hearing that you guys want at the moment. Clarity and decisive action.
Journaling can impact our happiness as well, and by focusing on this we can see the good we have in life. Some of the feedback I have heard is when you guys do morning pages (or a brain dump). A lot of this can be negative self-talk and it puts people off journaling as you are focusing on the negative.
Remember, if a certain mindset tool isn’t helping you as it did, or you’ve tried something new and can’t get into it. Then adapt it to make it work for you or try new things. You will change as a person and what you need everyday changes too. So make sure you adapt your mindset tools with you along this evolution.
If you find a lot of negativity coming up while you are journaling then start with gratitude. List three things in your gratitude journal every day (at any time!) So you can focus on the good. Plus this also helps to boost your self-esteem. If your self-esteem is low, then certain mindset tools can make you feel worse. I will cover some journaling prompts in this episode to help you with your self-esteem.
Live journaling questions we cover:
- What has gone well recently?
- Write out a limiting belief that is holding you back. Flip it and create a new personalised affirmation for yourself.
- Finish the sentence: I am working towards…
- What am I good at?
Perfect square exercise
In your notebook draw a cross and add the following headings. We’ll discuss how to fill each one in on the episode:
- Wealth
- Love
- Self-expression
- Health
Some of these prompts I’ve taken from the 21 Day Mindset Journal – a new freebie you receive when you join up to my newsletter. I send out a weekly email there at the moment with lots of tips on business and mindset when it comes to running your brand.
If you liked this episode then grab your free 21 Day Mindset Journal now!