How To Successfully Launch A New Product – 10 Steps To Launch With Confidence

how to launch a new product

Learn how to successfully launch your products in the competitive home & gift retail market with this product launch checklist taking you through the 10 steps to successfully launch your products with confidence, boost sales and stand out from the crowd!

Plus these 10 steps include content ideas on how to market your products with success throughout your launch. Starting from the pre-launch, to showing up consistently after the product is ready to buy.

The 10 Steps to Successfully Launch a New Product

1. Know Your Target Market

Do you know who your ideal customer is? Before you think about launching your new products, it’s crucial to understand who your target audience is.

Consider who these products are for. Ask yourself:

  • Is it a gift or self-purchase item?
  • Who will they gift them too?
  • Who will buy these products?
  • How will they use your products?
  • How does your product help them?
  • What are their needs and desires?

These simple questions will help you understand who buys your product and why. Talk to these needs and emotional drivers to successfully launch a new product or market any of your current products!

2. Use Storytelling in Your Launch Marketing

Create an irresistible product story as customers connect to stories and emotions. This will connect your products to your audience on a deeper level.

Share the inspiration behind creating the product, highlight its unique features, and explain how it solves a problem or enhances their lives. A captivating product story will draw potential buyers in and make them keen to learn more about your product launch and offer.

Combine your personal stories with your brand to make your marketing relatable to your customers and connect with you to they begin to know and like you.

3. Share Sneak Peeks Before You Start to Sell

Before you ask people to buy, you need to warm your audience up and get them ready and excited to buy your new product.

  • Do not launch cold!

Build hype for what is coming and tease what the product is, the key features, the inspiration and story behind it.

Add a countdown before your launch on your newsletter and social media so people know the date and time they can buy.

Decide whether to just share sneak peeks or if you will share the full product/collection before your launch. Teasing or showcasing the products before you open up the checkout to sell ensures your audience knows something is coming and gets them excited to buy it! Build interest and trust in your products before they have launched and combine this with your storytelling.

4. Product Launch Day and Asking for the Sale

The checkout is open so tell your customers they can buy now!

Make a big splash, shout about it and share your excitement so your audience gets excited enough to buy in order to successfully launch a new product.

And remember this is just the start, make sure you have content post launch to keep the hype going and keep asking for the sale in a direct and in-direct way after the launch.

Also consider how you will interrupt them to buy? Do this by adding the product link in stories, get them signed up to your newsletter or ask them to vote on a poll and you will send them the link to the product in a message.

5. Showcase the Key Features with Informative Content

Does your customer have everything they need to place an order? Think about if you owned a shop and a customer came in – how would you sell to them and show off your products? How would you interact with them? Show the benefits of your product that also gives them the value of why they need this product. Appeal to the analytical buyer with the key features of your product range. Make it educational and informational and share any bonuses when they order. You can go Live and show off the full product range, share any FAQs you get and how to use/style/display your product.

6. Engage with your Customer Before You Ask Them to Buy

Get your audience to engage with you in quick and easy ways in order to turn them into customers. Having at least 7 touch points of them engaging with you (this can be on different platforms) helps to get you into their minds and algorithm.

Make sure it easy to answer and takes no time, as before they click on a link to buy – they need to have engaged with you beforehand. Start with easy action tasks such as ‘This or that’ questions, answering a poll or tapping an engagement stickers. Make it relatable to them (and your brand) as everyone wants to be seen and heard.

7. Be Relatable so Your Customer Feels seen

Relatable content that engages your customer directly lets your customers know you see and can relate to them. It gives them a chance to say: ‘I feel like this too!’ or ‘I am not alone.

Talk about how you understand their pain points and how you solve them with these products. Or share a dream/deep desire that they want too.

Unsure what are your customer’s priorities right now? Poll them by asking questions and then show how your products help them.

8. Inspire Your Customer to Buy Your Product

Create inspirational or humorous content that taps into your customers emotions. This taps into their deeper desires and uplifts them to make them feel good.

Use your emotional storytelling that is based on your brand and personal story to relate to your customer. Think about where they want to be or feel in life.

Tap into the deeper emotions through:

  • Your process of making the product
  • Journey of how you got here
  • Your influence in this product
  • Funny story that relates to the product.

You will talk to your customer on deeper level, rather than just showing the product details.

People love a story and to feel their feelings. So use this!

9. Build Trust In Your Brand and Experience

Make sure you show yourself as an authority in your industry and your products. Do this by showing your customers you know what you are talking about.

This can be based on your past work experience, the numbers of years you been in this field and personal life experience. Anything that contributes to what makes up your brand!

Let your customer get to know you. As customers buy because they know, like and trust you and your brand values.

Share customer testimonials, the orders you’ve received and telling the story of your experience to get to the point of running your business.

10. Create an Urgency to Buy or Last Chance

Scarcity in a product launch creates more of an urgent reason for customers to buy. This can be achieved by sharing:

  • Low stock
  • Certain amount of products available until you re-order
  • Your shop/subscriptions are only open for a few days at a time
  • Going on holiday, order before you take a break from posting
  • Deadline to order to get it in time for a certain gift occasion

As you can see, to successfully launch a new product you need to show up more than just the launch day. There is the pre-launch hype and post-launch content to build know, like and trust in you, your brand and product range.

Use a variety of these points to successfully launch your product.

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How To Successfully Launch A New Product
10 Steps To Successfully Launch Your Products With Confidence
product launch checklist taking you through the 10 steps
successfully launch your products with confidence, boost sales and stand out from the crowd!
successfully launch a new Product
Learn how to successfully launch your products in the competitive home & gift retail market

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