Family – moving and sorting the old tools

Tidying old tools

Vintage Quality Street tin with tools

vintage tool box

vintage weighing scales

Over the Christmas break my family and I went to my Gran’s to sort out my Grampy’s old garage. It is really old now and looks like it is going to fall down however it is still filled with all of the old tools, furniture and well a lot of scrap.

You can see from the above just some of the things we sorted through. There was a whole work top filled with nails, washers, screws and much more besides. I particularly loved the vintage Quality Street tin, so rusted and filled up with old bits of metal and hinges.

This old tool box didn’t make it but I liked the look of it once things were cleared. We did however keep the scales above that we found hanging from the ceiling.

My dad and brother did up one of the old pigeon lofts so it was more secure and we had space to put everything we wanted to keep.

It has been many years since my Grampy had pigeons however there was still old droppings in the pigeon coups so I used the same box and scraper my Grampy used to use to clean them up. Once the plastic fronts were removed they made ideal shelves for everything we moved.

You can even see below an old vintage radio that a bird had made a nest in!

It was a nice day as I spent it with my family, out in the open countryside and reminiscing about the past and things we remembered from our childhood. It was nice to sit down and have a family roast afterwards as well in my Gran’s cottage, something we haven’t all done in her kitchen for years!

cleaning out the pigeons

birds nest in a vintage radio

All images taken by me.

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