Use these four mantras and affirmations to reset your mindset

mantras to reset your mindset - The voice that races inside your head and is unkind. That's not the real you by Arnold & Bird

Mantras to reset your mindset


Use these four affirmations and mantras to reset your mindset and kick off your day on the right foot. They are perfect for creative retail businesses.


If you’re wondering how to use affirmations then you can refer back to my blog post on what they are, and how best to use them.

There's no such thing as good or bad feelings. Just comfortable and uncomfortable ones. Affirmation by Arnold & Bird

Let your inner star shine so brightly. Affirmation by Arnold & Bird

Follow your heart to live the life you aspire to. Affirmation by Arnold & Bird

You can find loads more affirmations on the blog. Choose your favourites and start resetting your mindset today.


What is your favourite affirmation to use?

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