Four affirmations & mantras for creative entrepreneurs

mantras for creative entrepreneurs - Success is in the small details celebrate them all by Arnold & Bird

Mantras for creative entrepreneurs


It’s that time of the month again when I round up four affirmations to uplift your mood or reset your mindset and these are perfect mantras for creative entrepreneurs. I want you to leave this post feeling inspired and your best self.


If you’re looking for a weekly boost in your mood then do head over to my instagram @arnoldandbird where I post affirmations weekly.


And if you’re new to affirmations and mantras and wondering how best to use them then refer back to my blog post on what they are and tips on utilising them to work for you.

mantras for creative entrepreneurs - Use your emotions as a guide comfort yourself through the process by Arnold & Bird

Anxiety creeping other be kind to yourself - mantras for creative entrepreneurs by Arnold & Bird

Feelings are there for a reason listen to them closely - mantras for creative entrepreneurs by Arnold & Bird

These are my personal mantras but if there is something you’d like to see more of in the future then do let me know and I’ll try and incorporate it in 🙂


You can find loads more affirmations on the blog – so you can choose your favourites and start using them today.


I’d love to hear what mantras and affirmations you use, lemme know below!

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