Welcome to the course and thank you for joining!

I’m so happy to have you here, guide you through the next 8 weeks, grow your business and have some fun.

The live calls will be on Zoom:

ID: 856 1030 3494
Password: grow

Please add the following dates to your diary:

  • Tuesday 10th May 13.00 – Week 1 (Sales analysis)
  • Tuesday 17th May 13.00 – Week 2 (Customers & market research)
  • Tuesday 24th May 13.00 – Week 3 (Product USP & plan)
  • Tuesday 31st May 13.00 – Week 4 (Q&A call)
  • Tuesday 7th June 13.00 – Week 5 (Content & launching)
  • Tuesday 14th June 13.00 – Week 6 (Scaling)
  • Tuesday 21st June 13.00 – Week 7 (Q&A call)
  • Tuesday 28th June 13.00 – Week (Mindset)

​The lessons & Q&A calls will be at 1 pm on Tuesdays. 

Week one: Sales Analysis

Week two: Customers & Market Research

Week three: Developing Your USPs & Plan Your Products

Week four: Live Q&A Call

Week five: Delivering Consistent Content & Launch Planning

Week six: Scaling Your Business & Choosing Where To Sell

Week seven: Live Q&A Call

Week eight: Master Your Mindset To Keep Moving Forward